Greenock Ocean Terminal Crane 3 Demolition
When Peel Ports required the demolition of a 650te container loader crane at its Greenock Ocean Terminal in Scotland, S. Evans & Sons was called upon to deliver the complex four-week programme.
The project presented challenges throughout, as the team operated in a operational port environment next to a live cruise terminal, meaning site activities where restricted and confined. The team worked carefully to avoid adding unnecessary load to the quay wall or damage to a neighbouring port warehouse. Work was scheduled to fit around the port’s schedule and in response to strong winds and difficult weather conditions.
The team used a specialist CC2500 crawler crane, a Liebherr 1250 crane, a 130-tonne assist crane and a basket slung to the mobile crane and suspended in situ for the hot-cutting work. All cranes were supplied by Sarens and used to their full potential at maximum ballast including super-lift.
S Evans & Sons dismantled the 70m crane in sections – starting with the winch house floor before moving on to the jib top bay, remaining jib, rear lateral back mast, two back mast beams and stays, A-frame, running beam, landward cross beam, remaining beam, two vertical goal posts and bogey.
All sections where slung, released in situ and lifted to the lay-down area, ready for further processing using a 50-tonne excavator and shear attachment.
A safety boat was in the water for the project’s duration to ensure the team’s safety.
Before work began, S Evans & Sons carried out intrusive site investigation works with input from Andun Engineering Consultants, which included ground stability, demolition weight and sequence assessments and lift integrity checks.