Think Green – S Evans & Sons Ltd Go Paperless
We at S Evans & Sons Ltd are proud to announce that we have now gone paperless.
All projects in the demolition industry come with a heavy paper trail from start to finish, we noticed our paper usage/waste was becoming excessive and so we needed to make a change! and so decided to go paperless!
We have minimised our paper usage down and still have the necessary paper trail that is essential to each project, it is now managed online and accessible instantly using our Paperless Mobile Apps. We are now preventing using a significant amount of paper and doing our part for the environment.
Paperless Construction is a Compliance Management App which was built by a team of experts from the construction industry in the UK to make compliance management simple, fast and easy. The mobile application is carefully designed to include every feature you need throughout the day, such as timekeeping, fatigue management, emergency evacuation, roll call, broadcasting messages corporation-wide or to individual project teams and lots more.